Psalm 46:1-2

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea…”

[or, _____________________ name your trouble]

The principle is that we can respond very bravely because God is right there with us (ever-present) and ready to help; we just need to ask for His assistance with expectation. That is how our fears will be extinguished–with our faith in His promises.

This scripture is Tried & True in my life. I remember many years ago, I was scheduled to dog-sit this huge and scary Boxer. He got loose, rolled in a slimy green pond then got sprayed by a skunk. He came rushing back to the door and I had to wrestle him down to put his leash on; then drench him in tomato juice to neutralize the skunk odor; then wash him again in sweet smelling soap (including his privates) and to top it off, the dog didn’t know me. I was petrified that this burly Boxer might give me a unholy hole in my leg. Thankfully, I remembered this Scripture and kept saying it over and over. It gave me the courage I needed to get the job done.

Another time, I was in a department store on a hot summer day. The store was nice and cool and my fingers shrank a little causing my wedding ring to become loose. Well, the unthinkable happened. While I was rooting through the shelves to find something in the way-back, my ring slid off. I heard it bounce off the bottom metal bracket. I searched high and low, deep and wide, leaving the shelves a disaster area…and nothing, couldn’t find it. Now, I was kicking into panic mode. Then I remembered the scripture and spoke it out loud to God with gusto, trusting that He would help me somehow. Suddenly, I heard some noise in the next isle. I ran around the corner and saw a stock-worker. I excitedly drew him back to my isle. Praise God, his eyes immediately honed in to the very spot of my precious ring where I least expected it to land. God used a special pair of eyes to come to my rescue. He is surely an ever-present help in time of trouble. I have relied on His help all through my life–in small things, medium things, and in horroring things where I needed miracles. He has never failed me. He is my strength when I am weak, my all powerful Lord and friend.


“The Joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10

Even in days of unrest, world problems, shortages and inflation– We can find joy in knowing that our Father God has an eternal plan for our joy even now, and life with Him in a wonderful Heavenly environment. Through faith in Jesus Christ, there is victory over sin, death and the grave. Jesus took upon himself the penalty for all our sins. Therefore, we don’t have to pay for them– GREAT JOY! Jesus is coming back for those who chose to believe in Him and be part of His Kingdom.

“1 Thess. 4:16-17 For the Lord himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel, and with the trump of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then, we which are alive and remain, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”

This is GREAT JOY to hold onto when life gets tough.

He cares about us with a true love, not a “fake love”. Just ask Him into your heart, if you wish, and decide to live for Him. When you put Christ as 1st priority, you are now in the position to receive the desires of your heart (that agree with His Word).

For MORE JOY, all we have to do is look around our earth to see the exquisitely colorful birds, for example, the “Paradise Tanager” from South America which is skyblue with green feathers and a black back with an orange stripe.

Now, study the elegant fish, like the “Betta fish”. It is red and aqua with long flowing fins, from Thailand. In an aquarium setting, it can recognize it’s caretaker and swim excitedly towards the person.

One can also find JOY in the– colorful animals, like the “Appaloosa Horse”. It is white with an impressive array of black spots; or find JOY in the plethora of wildly colorful and fragrant flowers just waiting for us to notice them; or find JOY in the unique sounds of the birds serenading us with their Backyard Concerto.

Between the grand and eternal blessings for us in Christ Jesus, and all the simple pleasures of God’s creation– we have much to find JOY in. And, this joy BECOMES OUR STRENGTH when we connect it to our Great and Mighty God.

Prayer: Because it is the Lord’s desire to bring a multitude of joy and pleasure to us through His Son, and through His creation, we pray that we will open our eyes, ears and hearts, to receive this JOY and appreciate it daily.


In researching swans, I discovered that —

Swans usually mate for life. The male lovingly helps with nest building and the female selects the nest site, while the male protects it from predators. Good teamwork! During the incubation of their eggs (about 1 1/2 mths) the female dedicates all her time to sit on the nest, except for short periods of eating and bathing. And, before she leaves the nest, she lovingly and meticulously covers/camos the eggs with more nest material while the male stands strong nearby, En Garde! Each swan has it’s special giftings to offer the partnership. They are a good role model for love, loyal devotion and teamwork. Humans could benefit by immitating their lessons of love.

Also, Holy Scriptures teach us that true love is shown by being kind, long-suffering, not easily provoked, not puffed up (arrogant), rejoicing in truth, bearing, enduring, believing and hoping all things (that’s why) love never fails.

“We” May fail to exemplify love’s characteristics but the principles of love toward our fellow man, never fail. Our hope for good relationships hinges upon how much effort we put into practicing loving behavior — even like the swans. (And I haven’t arrived yet, but I keep “keep’in on”, like the swans do).

WE PRAY THAT — God helps each of us exemplify the lifestyle of the swan family, in some way. The more we do, the more of the love of God we can pass on to others. As, God is love; and His kingdom is all love and no darkness. Amen

Dwelling & Abiding

“He that dwells in the secret place of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”

If we continually inhabit “the Secret Place” — the “place of meeting” our loving God; the place where we enjoy and get real with Him; the place away from the business of daily life, the quiet place for just you and God to commune–

Then, we shall remain under His mighty protection, refreshment, and sustaining care.

This beautiful promise is to the ones who choose to put communicating, (even singing/praising to) and loving their Creator as a priority. Those who skip this basic foundation of a relationship, may miss out on the fullness of benefits and refreshment that God wants to surround His family with. So, especially in these trying times– if we will draw near to God, He will draw near to us.

WE PRAY– that we all will find peace, joy, and comfort in finding time for and knowing the God of the universe because He desires for all His children to live in victory. We pray that all of us will make room for Him and listen for Him to speak to our hearts and lives. Amen