In researching swans, I discovered that —
Swans usually mate for life. The male lovingly helps with nest building and the female selects the nest site, while the male protects it from predators. Good teamwork! During the incubation of their eggs (about 1 1/2 mths) the female dedicates all her time to sit on the nest, except for short periods of eating and bathing. And, before she leaves the nest, she lovingly and meticulously covers/camos the eggs with more nest material while the male stands strong nearby, En Garde! Each swan has it’s special giftings to offer the partnership. They are a good role model for love, loyal devotion and teamwork. Humans could benefit by immitating their lessons of love.
Also, Holy Scriptures teach us that true love is shown by being kind, long-suffering, not easily provoked, not puffed up (arrogant), rejoicing in truth, bearing, enduring, believing and hoping all things (that’s why) love never fails.
“We” May fail to exemplify love’s characteristics but the principles of love toward our fellow man, never fail. Our hope for good relationships hinges upon how much effort we put into practicing loving behavior — even like the swans. (And I haven’t arrived yet, but I keep “keep’in on”, like the swans do).
WE PRAY THAT — God helps each of us exemplify the lifestyle of the swan family, in some way. The more we do, the more of the love of God we can pass on to others. As, God is love; and His kingdom is all love and no darkness. Amen