Even in days of unrest, world problems, shortages and inflation– We can find joy in knowing that our Father God has an eternal plan for our joy even now, and life with Him in a wonderful Heavenly environment. Through faith in Jesus Christ, there is victory over sin, death and the grave. Jesus took upon himself the penalty for all our sins. Therefore, we don’t have to pay for them– GREAT JOY! Jesus is coming back for those who chose to believe in Him and be part of His Kingdom.
“1 Thess. 4:16-17 For the Lord himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel, and with the trump of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then, we which are alive and remain, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”
This is GREAT JOY to hold onto when life gets tough.
He cares about us with a true love, not a “fake love”. Just ask Him into your heart, if you wish, and decide to live for Him. When you put Christ as 1st priority, you are now in the position to receive the desires of your heart (that agree with His Word).
For MORE JOY, all we have to do is look around our earth to see the exquisitely colorful birds, for example, the “Paradise Tanager” from South America which is skyblue with green feathers and a black back with an orange stripe.
Now, study the elegant fish, like the “Betta fish”. It is red and aqua with long flowing fins, from Thailand. In an aquarium setting, it can recognize it’s caretaker and swim excitedly towards the person.
One can also find JOY in the– colorful animals, like the “Appaloosa Horse”. It is white with an impressive array of black spots; or find JOY in the plethora of wildly colorful and fragrant flowers just waiting for us to notice them; or find JOY in the unique sounds of the birds serenading us with their Backyard Concerto.
Between the grand and eternal blessings for us in Christ Jesus, and all the simple pleasures of God’s creation– we have much to find JOY in. And, this joy BECOMES OUR STRENGTH when we connect it to our Great and Mighty God.
Prayer: Because it is the Lord’s desire to bring a multitude of joy and pleasure to us through His Son, and through His creation, we pray that we will open our eyes, ears and hearts, to receive this JOY and appreciate it daily.